Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Using the iPad at Trade Shows

We're in the midst of turf trade show season and more folks are getting iPads. Here's a very good article from the folks at Lessing-Flynn (who handle Standard Golf's marketing) about using iPads at trade shows.

How the Apple iPad Can Transform Your Tradeshow

BTW, this is a good blog to follow for all of us in the marketing business.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Jonesy's World: Trade Show Survival Tip of the Day

Jonesy's World: Trade Show Survival Tip of the Day: "Our good friend and colleague Kevin Gilbride suggested this to me a few years back and I've become a big proponent of it: When your feet ar..."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Trade Show Blues

A number of suppliers have asked about my recent column on why golf/turf trade shows are hurting. Here's the column: The Cash Cow -- R.I.P.?

Discuss amongst yourselves!