Monday, April 12, 2010

Hit the Summer Selling Season Hard

Here's a sneak preview of our June editorial lineup. Very cool stuff, including some great technical content on Weed Management, Topdressing and the ever popular topic of Liquid Fertilization.

And, since I've mentioned June, there's a myth out there that advertising in summer issues is pointless because "superintendents are too busy to read the magazines." Au contraire, mon frere. Every time I've researched month-to-month reading habits, there was very little decline in ACTUAL seasonal readership. They make time to read the issue even if they'll claim, when asked generally, that they're too busy in the summer. Also, remember that more than half the golf courses in the US are below the Mason-Dixon line and summertime is their off time when they are certainly likely to read their magazines.


Be Your Own Boss: Our cover story looks at how the economic downturn is actually increasing opportunities for superintendents to move into ownership under sweat-equity deals. Find out how they're doing it and what it means for the market.
The Perfect Edge: What products are superintendents using to create just the right edge effect on their bunkers?
Topdressing and Disease: What topdressing practices and equipment are superintendents using and what's the latest on the impact on disease suppression.
Liquid Love: The trend towards non-traditional plant nutrition continues to grow in golf. How are more courses integrating foliars and other liquids into their programs?
Product Focus: Case studies on how superintendents are choosing which overseeders to buy.
Real Science: Our research gurus look at the latest in summertime weed control.

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