I'm sure that you've already made the GCI website your homepage and visit it hourly, but in case you haven't, click http://www.golfcourseindustry.com/ now to check out an extremely cool bit of digital marketing courtesy of our friends at Valent.
SPOILER ALERT! Don't read on if you don't want to know what happens. Last chance...
Okay, you'll notice that an animated Bigfoot jumps into the frame and "cleans" your screen for you. Pretty slick, huh? The animation programming was developed by Archer Malmo, Valent's Memphis-based agency, in cooperation with our digital geniuses here at GIE Media.
The point here is that we can help ANY client take a good idea and make it a reality. We truly are trailblazers in multimedia and digital, so let your imagination run wild and then give us a call to bring your brainstorm to life.
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