Friday, April 29, 2011

For Those of You Interested in QR Codes in Ads and Collateral...

Here's a great piece from Ad Age on the uses of QR codes and what works best.

Also, you may have noted that we did a QR code experiment in our March issue. We placed a code in my column and encouraged readers to scan it with an incentive and a promise we wouldn't spam them or otherwise abuse the privilege. The result was 156 successful scans...and many e-mails from readers who couldn't figure it out.

Bottom line...still an emerging technology for our market.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Jonesy's World: Coming Soon: New "Jonesy's World" Blog Format

Jonesy's World: Coming Soon: New "Jonesy's World" Blog Format: "Change is coming to Jonesy's World. Be advised that sometime in coming weeks we will be migrating this blog over to the GCI site to be hoste..."

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jonesy's World: Check out the digital edition

Jonesy's World: Check out the digital edition: "Hope you are among the thousands who like to look at the digital edition. Same great layout, same great content...fewer dead trees. Here's ..."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jonesy's World: More New Stuff from GCI

Jonesy's World: More New Stuff from GCI: "By now, you should have seen the newest e-newsletter from our team: Disease Digest. If you didn't, check it out here: Disease Digest: The B..."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fire at FarmLinks

A major fire gutted the maintenance facility at FarmLinks GC yesterday, apparently destroying the building and it's contents. More to come...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

More on Twitter and B2B Sales

For those of you dancing with Twitter, here's a short, common-sense article from one of my favorite social media gurus on how to use it effectively in B2B sales environments:

5 Ways for B2B Companies to Engage on Twitter

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jonesy's World: Attack of the Killer Team of Columnists!

Jonesy's World: Attack of the Killer Team of Columnists!: "Feedback is a wonderful thing...and we get lots of it. It's not unusual to get a pile of e-mails whenever we run an interesting piece about ..."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Using the iPad at Trade Shows

We're in the midst of turf trade show season and more folks are getting iPads. Here's a very good article from the folks at Lessing-Flynn (who handle Standard Golf's marketing) about using iPads at trade shows.

How the Apple iPad Can Transform Your Tradeshow

BTW, this is a good blog to follow for all of us in the marketing business.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Jonesy's World: Trade Show Survival Tip of the Day

Jonesy's World: Trade Show Survival Tip of the Day: "Our good friend and colleague Kevin Gilbride suggested this to me a few years back and I've become a big proponent of it: When your feet ar..."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Trade Show Blues

A number of suppliers have asked about my recent column on why golf/turf trade shows are hurting. Here's the column: The Cash Cow -- R.I.P.?

Discuss amongst yourselves!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Blogging for Fun & Profit

The super-rare alternate version of the GCI Kaminski cover!

I know many industry companies are blogging or considering blogging as a way to reach and build relationships with customers. Here's a good resource to keep your corporate blog focused:


As for the specifics of blogging for superintendents, a few thoughts:

1. Don't expect them to "follow" you. Find a way to push the blog posts out to them through customer e-mail lists or other means.

2. Be short and specific.

3. Post things they can repost on their blogs or otherwise use to communicate with their staff and customers.

Blogging is catching fire among savvy superintendents who recognize that it is quite simply the best way ever invented to communicate with golfers. Be savvy with your social media and you can ride that trend to success.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Reason #975 No One Believes Readership Studies Any More

A friend forwarded this lovely golf/turf magazine online readership study (below) fielded by what appears to be an "independent" research concern. Curiously, the domain name for IECSC Research takes you to the home page for the International Esthetics, Cosmetics and Spa Conference group. Why, you ask, would a group devoted to facial creams, mud baths and eyeliners be interested in the magazines in our happy little industry? Because the IECSC is owned by Questex Media which owns Golfdom.

Seriously? As the Wizard of Oz said, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

Look, I've seen all the real independent research on readership, editorial quality, editorial leadership, etc., among golf magazines. Here's the bottom line: GCM is still the "most useful" and "best read" magazine because superintendents view it as their official publication. But, GCI is clearly number two with a bullet and we beat GCM in "readability" and "best editorial mix" and several other categories every time. Beyond that, there's a large -- and growing -- chasm between the top two magazines in the industry and the rest. That, friends, is the plain truth.

So, while we're growing our ad base dramatically, producing a killer print product, investing in quality circulation, expanding our editorial staff, giving voice to amazing columnists, launching a world-class website, airing cool videos and providing social media coverage on Facebook and Twitter every day, they are fielding a faux readership study. Hope that works out for them... 

From: IECSC Research


Sent: Tue, January 25, 2011 12:15:23 PM

Subject: We Need Your Help with a Golf and Turf Magazine Survey


We'd like to learn what you think about the golf and turf magazines you receive. Which ones do you really like? What other types of information do you use to help you do your job? If you'll take a few minutes to click on the link below and give us your thoughts, we'll enter you into a drawing for the chance to win one of three $100 gift cards. You can use it for yourself or to buy lunch for your crew.

Click on the link below to begin. Thanks in advance for your participation.

Bobbi Ware

IECSC Research Department

Monday, January 24, 2011

More on the GCI iPhone/iPad App

Best toy ever!
I just checked and, thus far, 2,689 of your customers have downloaded the GCI app since we introduced it last year.

That's damn good considering that represents about 10 percent of our total circulation of 28,500 superintendents and other industry folks. But, only about 4 percent of Americans own an iPhone and/or iPad, so that suggests we have a higher-than-average share of iGeeks in this market. So much for the "grass monkey" myth, huh?

By the way, you can also get the app for our sister publication, Lawn & Landscape, and keep up with your non-golf turf and ornamental information needs as well. Download that one here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Lovely Tweet We Almost Missed...

Still figuring out Twitter, so I nearly missed this message sent to me by an Irish superintendent (Trevor Dargan, right) who subscribes to our digital edition and e-newsletters...

tjdargs Love your mag. Info without the bullshit
10 Jan at 17:49

 It's kind of nice when a reader sums up your brand in seven words...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Take a Little Visit to Jonesy's World

Since I'm starved for ways to express myself, I launched a blog for all readers last week. I figure I can put some perspective on the market news of the day, comment on trends and offer my usual random thoughts. Frankly, it's part of our commitment to being excellent on EVERY platform out there. I take that commitment seriously so I'll damn sure take this blog seriously.

So, welcome to Jonesy's World

Y'all sign up now, ya hear! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The New GCI Site is Live!

The awesome new GCI site redesign is complete and is now live. I am extremely lucky to be surrounded by talented geeks who can redo an entire site without making my brain explode in the process! Check it out NOW!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Coming soon to a laptop or smartphone near you...

Santa's elves were busy over the holidays here at GCI. They brought us lots of nice stuff, including a brand spanking new design for our website and a vastly improved look and feel for our e-newsletter. A sneak peek at the mock-up is

Assuming the elves keep their stubby little fingers busy, the new site should be live on Monday, Jan. 10. That's the same day you'll see our new e-newsletter, now called "Fast & Firm," for the very first time.

The new site and e-news will feature a cleaner look, better navigation, enhanced video capabilities and completely integrated social media (blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

So, why are we doing all this? Because you don't win by going backwards or standing still. You win by getting better. So that's what we're doing, every damn day.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the new stuff. In the meantime, enjoy the New Year!